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Daniel, keynote speaker at ecumenical event in Málaga

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

After nearly four years in the making, Caminar Juntos (Walking Together), was officially presented yesterday (30.05.23) in Málaga, at the Centro Superior Teológico San Pablo, next to the cathedral. This Ecumenism Manual will be used in Roman Catholic Spanish speaking seminaries and theological formation centres all over Spain and Latin America. Daniel was the author of the chapter on “Anglicanism”, and was invited to be the keynote speaker at the book launch. His speech highlighted the significance of this book as a tool for bridge-building in the current contexts of fragmentation and polarization in the world.

The event was chaired by Rafael Vazquez, the National Secretary for Ecumenism of the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Spain, and Andrés Valencia, Profesor of Ecumenism at the University of Valencia, both editors of this impressive 600+ pages text book. Fr. Rafael has been a great supporter of our ministry in Spain and of the work of all local Protestant churches in the Málaga area, including the Anglican chaplaincies on the Costa del Sol.

The book launch was attended by over one hundred people, including members of the Lux Mundi Ecumenical Team, students of the Theological Centre, and local priests and diocesan staff. At the end of the event, the authors were invited to sign copies of the book to many of the participants.



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